Health Lottery Promotion Offers Players One Week Free
Last Updated: Thursday 22nd November 2018, 14:19
It’s a fab month for Health Lottery fans as officials are offering one week of free play to any customers who sign up to play online via direct debit. Whether you’re new to the game or a loyal player, simply sign up before 20:00 BST on Saturday 31st May and you’ll get the first week of play completely free!
The Health Lottery launched in 2011 and has enjoyed notable success after reaching the three million winners milestone in April of this year. At just £1 a ticket, the lottery has lower jackpot prizes than Lotto but does boast significantly improved odds of winning. Players have a 1 in 2,118,760 chance of hitting the jackpot compared to Lotto’s 1 in 13,983,816. Further information on this lottery can be found on the Health Lottery page.
Both Health Lottery and UK Lotto are hosting midweek draws tonight giving players the chance to win a wide variety of prizes. The UK Lotto is offering a £2.2 million jackpot and the results update from tonight’s draw will air on BBC One at 20:35 BST. The Health Lottery draw will take place between 20:00 and 20:30 BST and will be broadcast on Channel 5 at approximately 21:55 GMT.
Don’t worry if you miss the draws as the latest winning numbers will be available on the Lottery Results page shortly after each draw takes place.
In Other Mid-Week Lottery News
The second EuroMillions draw of May took place last night and offered players the chance to win a brand new jackpot of £12 million (€15 million) after one lucky UK resident scooped a £73 million (€89 million) prize in Friday’s draw. Unfortunately no players were able to match all seven numbers drawn so the jackpot has increased to an estimated £20 million (€24 million) for Friday’s draw.