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Lotto HotPicks

Lotto HotPicks offers the familiar Lotto experience but gives you much more flexibility in how you play. You get to choose how many numbers you want to try and match and therefore how much prize money you want to play for. The more picks you play, the bigger the potential prizes.

HotPicks is played every Wednesday and Saturday and uses the winning numbers from the main Lotto draw. Apart from that it’s a completely separate game, so you don’t need an entry into the main draw to play Lotto HotPicks.

Wednesday's Lotto HotPicks Jackpot:

Pick How Many Numbers to Play


If you’re new to National Lottery HotPicks games you can learn how to play with this step-by-step guide to purchasing your entries.

How to Play

Generate Your Numbers

Generator icon

This generator will create between one and five numbers for you to use as your next set of hot picks – you can then enter them into upcoming draws.

Number Generator

Prizes and Odds of Winning


You win the top prize of £350,000 for matching five numbers. Learn about all the prizes on offer in Lotto HotPicks and the odds of winning them.

HotPicks Prizes

Common Questions and Answers

Question bubble

Get all the most important information about Lotto HotPicks and find the answers to any questions you have about how the game works.


See Which Numbers Are Drawn the Most

Statistics Graph

Take a look at a wide array of statistics to find out which Lotto numbers are most commonly drawn, which are the least common, and more.

Lotto Statistics