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Halloween jackpot from the National Lottery

Last Updated: Thursday 7th July 2011, 15:59

National Lottery Back on 31st October a massive jackpot for the National Lottery was won by a single winner. Up until the 18th November the winner had not come forward to claim the Halloween jackpot from the National Lottery. The Independent ran a story on that day and then low and behold the big jackpot of £3,204,588 was claimed.

This isn’t the only big National Lottery jackpot to remain unclaimed, there is a whole list of prizes with one due to expire in just 10 days for £189,610. This lucky winner, or unlucky if they don’t step forward soon, bought their ticket in the Borough of Torfaen and they managed to match five numbers and the bonus ball on the draw dated 3rd June 2009, draw number 1403.

Just seven days later another jackpot of £68,201 is due to be put into the National Lottery Good Cause fund on 7th December if this winner, who bought their ticket in Mid Suffolk, doesn’t step forward and stake their claim.

The list of unclaimed National Lottery prizes continues to grow and is a classic example of why you should buy lotto tickets online. The account you create is registered to you, the lottery tickets that you purchase online are automatically registered to you and if you are a lucky winner then you are sent an email notification. Buying lotto tickets online means that you never have to worry about mislaying your tickets or missing a claim, you know exactly where your tickets are and you can lay your virtual hands on them instantly!


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