Health Lottery Promotion Offers Players One Week Free
Last Updated: Thursday 22nd November 2018, 14:19
The Health Lottery launched in 2011 and has enjoyed notable success after reaching the three million winners milestone in April of this year. At just £1 a ticket, the lottery has lower jackpot prizes than Lotto but does boast significantly improved odds of winning. Players have a 1 in 2,118,760 chance of hitting the jackpot compared to Lotto’s 1 in 13,983,816. Further information on this lottery can be found on the Health Lottery page.
Both Health Lottery and UK Lotto are hosting midweek draws tonight giving players the chance to win a wide variety of prizes. The UK Lotto is offering a £2.2 million jackpot and the results update from tonight’s draw will air on BBC One at 20:35 BST. The Health Lottery draw will take place between 20:00 and 20:30 BST and will be broadcast on Channel 5 at approximately 21:55 GMT.
Don’t worry if you miss the draws as the latest winning numbers will be available on the Lottery Results page shortly after each draw takes place.
In Other Mid-Week Lottery News
The second EuroMillions draw of May took place last night and offered players the chance to win a brand new jackpot of £12 million (€15 million) after one lucky UK resident scooped a £73 million (€89 million) prize in Friday’s draw. Unfortunately no players were able to match all seven numbers drawn so the jackpot has increased to an estimated £20 million (€24 million) for Friday’s draw.