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Unlucky man gets a Lotto luck

Last Updated: Wednesday 5th January 2011, 11:09

An unlucky father of two has turned around his good fortune with a National Lottery win. William Air has had the year from hell, he separated from his wife earlier this year and lost his job as a carpet-fitter but now his fortune has turned with a lottery ticket worth £2.5 million. The win, which he is sharing with his cousin, leaves them both £1.25 million richer, a life-changing amount of cash for a lottery player who was ready for some life-changes.

Mr Air has been staying with family all year after separating from his wife Margaret and has also lost his sister to cancer this year. He is suffering from heart problems and has lost his job and so this lottery win really couldn’t have come at a better time.

Now, we’re not sure whether Mr Air is actually divorced or not, we are hoping so as if not, his wife may have a claim on his winnings. Often on these lottery news pages we bring you details of acrimonious separations where lottery wins are involved and often a separated partner can claim a win, even when the couple have been separated for a long time.

Either way it’s great news for the gentleman and his cousin, who are both from Craigmillar in Edinburgh and should make a great deal of difference to their lives. Congratulations to the lucky winners and if you are hoping to be next then you can buy lottery tickets for tonight’s draw by clicking here.

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