Tears or smiles for National Lottery winners?
Last Updated: Tuesday 22nd June 2010, 14:43
The National Lottery has been branded as the biggest marriage wrecker in Britain with a 3rd of the people who had responded to the survey saying their lives were worse for having won a large amount of money playing the UK Lotto.
Other problems that were mentioned in the survey included jealousy ruining friendships, marriages ending and families drifting apart after the jackpot wins. One winner, a young woman called Callie Rogers even went so far as attempting suicide. Callie was just 22 when she bagged a win totalling nearly £1.9 million in 2003.
Another UK Lotto winner, a former dustman, won a staggering £9.7 million back in 2002 but shortly after his wife left him and he developed an addiction to cocaine.
In all honesty, how many big jackpot winners are going to take the time to respond to a survey? If we netted a life changing amount of money we would be too busy spending or soaking up the sun on our villa in a hot country that we certainly wouldn’t have it on our ‘to do’ list!