Millionaire Raffle millions going begging
Last Updated: Thursday 10th February 2011, 15:54
The last SuperRaffle from the Euromillions Lottery took place in November, however three of the ten Millionaire Raffle prizes are still unclaimed. These prizes expire in May so the winners have a while yet, but do check those old Euromillions tickets to see if you were a winner.
Even earlier than that, a Euromillions ticket bought in South Lanarkshire matched the Millionaire Raffle, that prize will expire on 6th April but there are two Millionaire Raffle prizes to expire earlier than that.
On February 2nd a Millionaire Raffle prize from a ticket bought in Hammersmith & Fulham will expire, but earlier than that comes our most urgent plea for a Millionaire Raffle winner to come forward. Just six days from now, on January 5th, a Euromillions Millionaire Raffle prize, from a ticket bought in Central Bedfordshire will expire, if you buy lottery tickets in this area, then look for yours now!
In all, that makes eighteen Millionaire Raffle prizes still to be claimed, that’s £18 million in unclaimed lottery prizes. It’s time to check down the back of the sofa before time runs out.