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Lotto Millionaire Bowled Over by Big Win

Last Updated: Friday 27th November 2015, 09:39

As Saturday’s Lotto draw looms large and players everywhere dream of winning the £13.2 million jackpot, one ticket holder who struck lucky last weekend has set his sights on a brighter future for his family. The Lotto Millionaire Raffle guarantees that at least one participant will win £1 million in every Lotto draw, and a special game on Saturday 27th November produced ten Millionaire Raffle codes.

Vic Eden, a retired mechanical engineer from Rugeley in Staffordshire, found out he was one of the lucky winners after sitting down to check the numbers on TV on Sunday morning. He admits that he had to check several times before he believed it was true and he then excitedly tried to contact his son Gary and daughter Gillian.

“Then, after they called round to home and we all realised I had won all hell broke loose,” he told the Staffordshire Newsletter. “I hid the ticket in a special box with seven keys and then Gary called the National Lottery line to stake my claim. Family is everything to me and the win is being split three ways with Gary and Gill. The win will ensure a good future for them and the grandchildren but don't ask me what I'm going to spend it on because I'm not really sure."

Vic, a passionate bowls fan who still plays the game at a local club, may not know exactly how he plans to use all his money, but he is looking forward to buying a car with a built-in sat nav.

Another player is guaranteed to win £1 million in tomorrow night’s Lotto Millionaire Raffle, and it could be that someone is even more fortunate and manages to land the eight-figure Lotto jackpot. There have been three rollovers since the top prize was last won on Saturday 14th November, but Vic is one of many ticket holders to have snapped up great rewards in the last couple of weeks. Visit the Lotto Results section to find out all the recent winning numbers.

Whether you wish to buy a car and provide for your family like Vic or have other ideas on how you would spend a life-changing amount of money, you have to play Lotto to be in with a chance of winning a prize. You can pick up tickets online or from authorised retailers in the UK, and then check back on to see the results. Best of luck!

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