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Mother's Six Figure Windfall

Last Updated: Monday 25th July 2022, 15:31

Angela Leese, a mother of five who lives in Leek, has won £117,796 by matching five numbers plus the bonus ball in the Lotto draw which took place on 12 August. Angela, who is 47, was watching the draw take place live on BBC television, and recognised several of the numbers as being on her ticket.

However, it was her youngest daughter Stephanie who carried out a proper cheque and discovered that Angela had won the second-best prize possible.

"I thought I recognised some of the numbers but as I hadn't got my glasses on," Angela explained. "Stephanie said she would check the tickets. She's the joker of the family and I thought she was winding me up when she said we'd won. I eventually found my specs and realised that she was actually being serious. So I really had to believe it!"

Angela's winning ticket was bought at her local Somerfield store, and her numbers were selected at random.

"I just couldn't stop shaking until my other daughter Nicola came home from work," she added. "She calmed me down before we started phoning around the rest of the family and our closest friends to tell them the news."

£117,796 is a substantial amount of money, and spending it wisely will take some planning. Fortunately, Angela isn't short of ideas on how to put her six figure windfall to good use.

"My family is everything to me and we will enjoy this money together," she said. "I'm going to give each of the girls some money, finish off the renovations to the house and then pay off my mortgage. Once that's done, we can have a holiday as a family. Florida is already at the top of the list of destinations."

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