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Family share Saturday Lotto jackpot

Last Updated: Wednesday 5th January 2011, 11:09

Lottery SyndicateTwo members of the same family are to share the Saturday Lotto jackpot after involving themselves in a mini-syndicate, doubling their chances of winning a lottery prize. The only lottery news available about the two winners so far is that they shared one winning lottery ticket on Saturday’s draw, they are both from Scotland and they are both members of the same family. More details are to be released at a press conference later today about the winning duo.

Saturday’s jackpot ended at £4.9 million, giving the two lottery winners almost £2.5 million each, it’s a life-changing win and how nice to be able to share your lotto luck with someone so close.

It just shows that simply being in a lottery syndicate of two increases your chance at winning a prize on the National Lottery and with so many other people playing the lotto every week it seems a shame not to get some workmates or family together and create your own lottery syndicate.

A mini-syndicate like this one had double the chances at a lottery jackpot, a four-strong syndicate doubles those odds again and an eight-strong syndicate would really get things rolling. Legal syndicate agreements can be downloaded from the net and the ability to buy lottery tickets online means it’s never been easier to head your own lottery syndicate.

The next National Lottery draw will be held this evening and has an estimated lottery jackpot of £2.4 million, buy lottery tickets now for your chance to be the UK’s next lotto millionaire.

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